It is our misfortune to be living in dangerous times. We have many problems.
Number One, above all else, is Global Warming and Climate Change.
Planet Earth, as we know it, may be uninhabitable in our lifetimes, despite the beliefs of dimwits known as science deniers.

This image could be a modern metaphor for what is, quite literally, a clash of civilizations. It signifies our other crisis of historic proportions.
Nobody wants to put it this bluntly, but we are at war with the Peoples Republic of China.
A different kind of war
There are no bombs, no bullets, no battles. War hasn’t been declared officially. Most of the media avoid talking about it, but it’s true in every sense except military conflict. It’s a cold war that’s not-so-cold.
The leaders of the People’s Republic of China believe it’s their turn to be the world’s Superpower and they intend take that title from the United States by whatever means necessary.

No, China’s rulers don’t want to bomb us. What’s more likely is they want the United States undamaged, if possible. Some of their leaders see the USA as one day becoming China’s most-lucrative, most-prized colony.
A book by British historian and political commentator Martin Jacques states it plainly.

“When China Rules the World,” is the title. The subtitle says “The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.”
To underscore the nation Jacques believes will lead and dominate that order, the globe on the cover is Communist Chinese red:
“For the first time in the modern era the dominant country in the world, which is what I think China will become, will be not from the West and from very, very different civilization roots.
China is not like the West and it will not become like the West. It will remain in very fundamental respects, very different.”
Some will say I’m guilty of sensationalism and hyperbole. That means exaggeration for those who are members of the base.
The conflict with China may not end well
But consider the views of Graham Allison.
He’s a professor of political science at Harvard. He is not optimistic about how the U.S./China struggle will turn out.
Prof. Allison says we should heed the observations of this guy.

His name is Thucydides. He was a Greek general and historian.
Thucydides’s study of the great war between Greece and Sparta around 400 BC prompted him to conclude that when a rising power challenges an established power, war is the usual result.
Allison looked at what precipitated the great wars of history and he came up with what he called Thucydides’s Trap:
“Harvard’s Thucydides Trap Case File has reviewed the last 500 years of history and found 16 cases in which a rising power threatened to displace a ruling power. Twelve of these ended in war.”
Even more disturbing is Prof. Graham’s conclusion that many of history’s great-power conflicts were started by an outside force:
“So how does this work? What happens is, a third party’s provocation forces one or the other to react and that sets in motion a spiral which drags the two somewhere they don’t want to go.”
Here’s what you need to know about the “Communist” part of Communist China. The word is antiquated and out of date.
China is as driven by money and wealth as the greediest hedge fund manager on Wall Street. Forget public ownership of everything. When the Mao era ended in the last century, China kicked Soviet-style communism to the curb.
So forget the Communist part of Communist China. The Politburo is a gang of oligarchs who want to re-define capitalism to benefit China and themselves.
Make no mistake. The Chinese Communist Party is still in power and they kept the name even though they have renounced the principles of Communism.
The ruling clique retained its authoritarian grip on the nation and it works ruthlessly and relentlessly to maintain one-party rule. It’s a totalitarian police state. There are a lot of opinions on all sides of the rise of China.
China’s march toward ruling the world is literally world-wide in scope. It’s too much to cover in one commentary. In a future commentary on The People’s Republic of China I will show you why the so-called China Miracle of rapid industrialization and modernization is no miracle at all. It is the result of the greatest act of thievery the world has ever known. And the massive heist is still underway today.

…. every point made regarding China’s quest to “ Rule the World “ is false and construed by a man with little knowledge of Chinese Culture and motivations going forward. … paranoia is a better word to surmise the rhetoric this article conveys .