2125 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
(202) 630-6597
Web: democracyengine.com
Organization Email: info@democracyengine.com
Facebook: facebook.com/democracyengine
Twitter: @DemocracyEngine
Jonathan Zucker – CEO
Twitter: @jonathanzucker
Jonathan Zucker, the CEO, formerly worked for the Democratic National Committee. He has a professional history of working with progressive and Democratic organizations. He has a lot of influence in Democratic fundraising circles. He has the ear of fat cats who support the Democratic Party and its candidates.
From the organization’s website: “Democracy Engine empowers donors to support the candidates and organizations they care about at any level, in any party, in any state.”
In the 2018 election, Kyrsten Sinema received over $208,000 in contributions from Democracy Engine. (Source: opensecrets.org)
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