This is not one of my usual commentaries.
I’m joining the chorus of voices calling for action. We must join forces and fight the Insurrectionists in our midst. And we need to do it NOW.

Trump Makes History with Second Impeachment
The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time. No other President has ever faced such a disgrace.

No other President has worked as hard to achieve it.
Unchartered territory
All norms, protocols and traditions have been shattered in Congress. What happens next is unclear except for this: the second Trump impeachment does not end our nation’s constitutional crisis.
What’s important is that you, me, we—let Washington know we want our government back—and we want justice.

Take Action NOW
I’m asking you and other true Americans to contact your representatives in Washington. Call or email them. There’s no time for snail mail. Trump screwed that up along with so many other things.

You should even contact the ones who are vote-grubbing Trump prostitutes like Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.
Tell them you are a constituent, a voter, and you want Donald Trump held fully accountable for inciting insurrection against our country. This is not hard to do. It just takes a few minutes of your time—and some backbone.

Here’s what to do
If you don’t know the names of your Senators and your Congressional Representative, shame on you, but you can easily find out.

One option is USA Gov. There are interactive links to help you identify your two U.S. Senators, and you should contact both of them. You can enter your state and the names and contact info for your senators will pop up.
Another link on that site will help you identify your U.S. representative by state and district.

If you don’t know what congressional district you live in, GovTrack can help you.
Simply enter your home address and zip code and the information you need will appear on screen.
Here’s what to say
What should you say? First, keep it clean. Profanity will trigger the delete click. Second, keep it simple. No one in Washington has time to read a blah-blah-blah email. Third, demand action. Politicians much prefer talk to action.
If you agree with impeaching Donald Trump a second time, you should say so.

Trump—Domestic Terrorist in Chief
You should call for speedy action and a thorough investigation to follow. What I mean is, call for quick action on the impeachment issue but make it clear you know there are a lot of issues behind the January 6th Insurrection. The underlying issues have never been debated in Congress.
Tell your Senators and Representative you expect them to hold public hearings and gather all the evidence that can be found.
Remind them of the Warren Commission study of the Kennedy Assassination and suggest the Insurrection needs an investigation of that scope.
Regardless of what you say to your representatives in Congress, the most important thing is that you DO IT. Contact them. Citizen feedback is an essential part of a functioning democracy.

Think about your responsibility to actively participate as a citizen of a free country. Ask yourself two questions:
If not now, when? If not me, who?
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