A Movement of Frauds, Phonies and Fascism
In a discussion of Christian Nationalism the first thing to know is, there’s nothing Christian about it. It’s dictatorial fascism wrapping itself in misquotes from the Bible.
Speaking of quotes, someone once said, “When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Well, it’s here, it wants to take over the United States of America, and it will—if we don’t stop it.
The Buffoon Battalion
“We need to be the party of nationalism. And I’m a Christian and I say it proudly. We should be Christian Nationalists.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is widely regarded as an ignorant buffoon.

But when she runs her mouth, she reflects the dim-witted but dangerous thinking of millions of frightened fascist whites.

They use religion as cover for their desire for a white supremacy dictatorship in America.
They falsely claim the United States was founded as a Christian nation:
“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our founding fathers intended it and I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”
Clearly, Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado is tired of the U.S. Constitution.
This “church and state junk” as she calls it, must be why the founding fathers wrote the 1st Amendment of the Constitution which says,
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
Many people think of freedom of speech when they think about the 1st Amendment. But the Constitution addresses religion first. It says there shall be no chosen national religion—Christianity or any other belief system.
Christo-Fascists and Religious Phonies
That doesn’t matter to so-called Christian Nationalists. Christo-fascists is a more descriptive and accurate name for these people. They pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ, who preached love. The truth is, Christian Nationalists are white haters who are obsessed with dominating the culture and ruling the nation.
These are people who view themselves and the rest of the world by who and what they hate. They hate anyone who isn’t like them, who doesn’t have white skin and a dark soul.
They claim they are pro-life. In fact, they are pro-pregnancy and pro-fetus. They never talk about children, or childhood hunger or child care. They just righteously pontificate about the unborn.
Christian Nationalists don’t really give a crap about children, or they would be leading a national drive to end mass shootings in schools. They don’t care about women, either.

These moral phonies want women waddling around, barefoot and pregnant as the saying goes, showing the world what some man has done to them.
These self-proclaimed opponents of Big Government insist on putting Republican Big Government between the legs of women when it comes to sex and pregnancy.
The loudmouth opponents of Big Government are pushing to make government bigger and more intrusive than it’s ever been—to support their view of a white-ruled, so-called Christian nation.
Not Much Different Than the Taliban
For women, there’s not much difference between U.S. Christian Nationalists and fundamentalist Islamists like the Taliban.

These phony Christians would love to see the Statue of Freedom atop the U.S. Capitol dome replaced with a gun-toting statue of Jesus.
Mostly White religious zealots make up the core of the nation’s assault rifle owners. They want to be prepared to slaughter black and brown people and non-Christians when they someday invade the white suburbs in the Armageddon they believe is coming.
Christian Nationalists are a perfect example of how a small minority of loud, organized zealots can bully the majority.
They are working hard to restrict and eliminate individual rights in state and local laws, knowing the partisan conservative hacks who now dominate the U.S. Supreme Court will likely back them up.
They hope Trump gets re-elected in 2024 so they, and he, can continue changing America from a democracy to a white hetero fascist dictatorship.
Supreme Ruler-wannabe Donald Trump, like fascist dictators of the past, has a cult of millions of Christian Nationalists and sympathizers convinced he can turn back the hands of time to the glorious days of the 1950s, when women and minorities knew their place and deferred to white hetero male rule.
Ultimately, what White Christian Nationalists want is South African-style apartheid in America.
They want white minority rule even as the United States increasingly becomes less white, less Christian and more diverse.

Defined by Hate
The Christo-fascists hate and are disgusted by the thought of sharing cultural and political power with black people, brown people, women, gays, transgenders, other religions and anyone who doesn’t look like them and think like them.
Their garbage dump minds are cobweb-infested dim bulbs. These people don’t do much thinking.
They are easily led because they are woefully uninformed, misinformed and ignorant—sometimes willfully so.
There are millions of them, but all of them are easy marks and chumps for a skilled flim-flam man like Donald Trump.
“They say I have the most loyal people, “Trump once said. “Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible.”
In addition to being the greatest grifter and flim-flam man the nation has ever seen, Trump is a cult leader.
Another Brain-Washed Cult
Members of the Trump cult have been willingly brainwashed.
These are people who desperately crave certainty in their lives. They want someone to be in charge. They want rigid rules about how to live life. They are natural-born followers.

Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again” is dog-whistle code for Make American White Again. Christian Nationalism is dog-whistle code for the same thing. They equate Christianity with Whiteness.
Political commentator Masha Gessen, describing the message of the White Right wrote, “they are pushing a message that says ‘We’re going to return you to a time when things weren’t scary, when things didn’t make you uncomfortable, when you didn’t fear your kid was going to come home from school and tell you they’re trans.’”
Calling themselves Christians is blasphemy in the religious sense.
Many honest people with a sense of morals, who try to follow the teachings of the Bible are disgusted by the so-called Christian Nationalists.
A recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute says, “Partisanship is closely linked to Christian Nationalist views. Most Republicans qualify as Christian Nationalist sympathizers or adherents.”
There’s little wonder that these political Christians aren’t troubled by Donald Trump’s habitual lying.
A Movement Built on a Lie
Christian Nationalism itself is built on a major lie: that the United States was founded as a Christian nation by white pilgrims who came here seeking freedom to practice and believe in Christianity. That is a lie.

Most pilgrims came to the New World because they were broke and they hoped for a new economic start.
They were not religiously persecuted.

America as a Christian nation is just one of the lies propagandized by Christian Nationalists.
Amanda Tyler is the Executive Director of Christians Against Christian Nationalism.
She’s also a key figure in the Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Freedom.
She testified last December before the Congressional Oversight Committee about the danger to Christianity posed by Christian Nationalism:
“One does not have to be Christian to be a true American and yet that’s what Christian Nationalism says. Christian Nationalism is, of course, an urgent threat to American democracy and to the promise of religious freedom for all, to the protection we get from the separation of the institutions of religion and government. But it’s also a threat to Christianity itself.”
The American Fascists who call themselves Christians are dangerous and a menace. But you and I CAN do three things to stop them.
First, pay attention even though you want to tune them out.
Second, vote against every last one of them as they continue to try to infest local and state government. Third, if they try to change local and state laws, make noise and fight like hell against it.
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