Are you worried? Jittery? Stressed?
I sure hope so. Our country is in a crisis. Our form of government is under assault by millions of our fellow Americans. They are mean-spirited, selfish and frightened. They’ve become the mindless cult followers of a mentally unstable dictator-wannabe.
I’m not exaggerating when I say a number of people are worried that we are stumbling toward a new Civil War. That’s why your vote in November will probably be the most important vote you ever cast in your life.
“We are at a very dangerous hour in this country.” —Steve Schmidt
“In 2020 there’s so much more at stake than there ever has been. I believe that this country is on the knife’s edge.” —Mary Trump
Steve Schmidt is a longtime Republican campaign strategist. Mary Trump, a trained psychologist, is the niece of President Donald Trump. She has written a best-selling book calling him a lifelong liar who is emotionally unfit to be President.

A growing chorus of voices—Democrat and Republican—see a determined effort to destroy our democratic republic to preserve white control and dominance of the United States of America.
The foreign media have noted our national crisis, too.
Donald Trump’s so-called base is a large collection of low-intelligence, low-knowledge haters.

They are mostly white. Many are fake Christians who live unprincipled lives mocking the Gospels. There are hundreds of thousands of Archie Bunker-like dimwitted bigots in the Trump Cult.

As the U.S. white population continues to decline, they’ve come to view themselves as besieged victims surrounded by brown people.
Obama was a Tipping Point

The election of Barack Obama—twice—rattled White Supremacists like nothing before.
White Supremacists hate the very concept of America as a melting pot of immigrants, an image that endures in myths and glossy rhetoric.
For Trump supporters, the Declaration of Independence statement that All Men are Created Equal is a pain in the ass that is not to be believed or practiced.
As a nation we have refused to come to terms with our racist, and class-discrimination past.

The murderous ugliness which defined much of America’s history has been ignored or minimized in many history books.
Whites forget, if they ever knew, that in the 1930s blacks had a travel guide that used to tell them where they could eat, use the restroom or safely spend the night in segregated America.
It’s not just anti-black racism. Trump’s white voters fear and loathe anyone who isn’t Anglo-Saxon white.
The racists who used to call light-skinned blacks “high yellow” hate to see biracial children.
They hate to see mixed race couples.

And they hate to see Hispanics with a growing family.
Cowardly Lawmakers
They channel their hate into the ballot box. Republican lawmakers have dropped all pretense of having spines and testicles.
Conservative columnist George Will says, Trump, for his part, uses Twitter to exploit the racism of his voter base against the Congress to keep them in line:
“(T)he explanation is really simple. It’s fear. They know anything they said, however reasonable, will elicit a Tweet and the Tweet is all that will be heard by their base. The Republican Party today lives in terror of its voters.”
As a result, Republicans in Congress fear facts, truth and reality. They are complicit in demolishing our government and every one of them needs to be voted out.
A History of Republican Racism
Since the Barry Goldwater era, the Republican Party has positioned itself as the White Peoples’ Party. Goldwater ran for President in 1964 and lost. He opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He also said, “Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice.”

In the 1968 presidential election, Republican leaders noted the strong showing of American Independent Party segregationist George Wallace of Alabama:
“And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.”
The national rise of George Wallace inspired what became known as President Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy.
It was a scheme to persuade white racists, mainly in the South, to become Republicans instead of Democrats.

The late Lee Atwater, a Republican strategist in the Reagan era, talked about the Southern Strategy in an interview that was kept secret for years. Atwater said a key feature was to talk about racial segregation in coded abstractions:
“You start out in 1954 by saying nigger, nigger, nigger. By 1968 you can’t say nigger, that hurts you, it backfires, so you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff and you’re getting so abstract now that you’re talking about cutting taxes and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and the by-product of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it, I’m not saying that. What’ I’m saying, is if it is getting that abstract and that coded that we’re doing away with the racial problem one way or another. You follow me? ‘Cause obviously sitting around saying ‘we wanna cut taxes, we wanna cut this’ is much more abstract than even the busing thing and a helluva lot more abstract than nigger, nigger.”
Coded, dog-whistle Republican racism continued with Reagan’s speeches criticizing “welfare queens” and George H.W. Bush’s scare campaign about a criminal named Willie Horton, used to convince voters his opponent, Michael Dukakis, was soft on crime.
When Trump became president and took total control of the GOP, Republican racism and embrace of the traitorous Confederacy became overt and unmistakable. It has led many to fear another civil war.
Vote Out All of ‘Em
Trump is a symptom of a disease. That’s why it’s important to defeat Trump-supporting Republicans up and down the ballot.
It’s why James Carville, Bill Clinton’s campaign strategist, says America needs to defeat TRUMPISM, not just Donald Trump:
(But) “the idea is not just to beat him. It is to end the scourge of Trumpism in this country forever. And we can do that. It’s within our grasp, right now.”
It comes down to this: what are you willing to do to preserve our nation?
No one’s asking you to die for our country. Thousands of others Trump calls suckers and losers have already done that.
But are you willing to take to the streets in a lawful and peaceful protest, maybe two or three, to demand that the total election results be honored? Are you willing to take a little of your time and show your face and stand up for what America is supposed to stand for?
You may have to make a decision.
Right on, Vince! We can make a change… be sure to vote!