The Cheater
The Cheater-in-Chief and his band of lawless cult followers are desperate to shut down the U.S. Postal Service. They are terrified of citizens voting by mail.
It is a vital government function that has been in business since the founding of our nation. We have to stop them.
President Trump has multiple motives for wanting to destroy the U.S. Postal Service. All of them involve greed, abuse of power and further erosion of our democratic republic form of government.

The Coward
Our Coward-in-Chief is afraid of many things. One of them is the possibility that blacks and other minorities may use mail-in ballots to vote his racist rear-end out of the White House.
In this age of the coronavirus pandemic, widespread voting-by-mail end the Trump presidency. It could undo years of Republican efforts to rig elections by making it hard for blacks and minorities to cast their ballots at polling places.
In an interview with Politico magazine on June 18th, Trump said mail-in voting is the biggest threat to his re-election. He also admitted the Republican party is spending millions of dollars on lawsuits trying to stop vote-by-mail. Trump repeats the party line about widespread voter fraud, which has never been proven anywhere:

“If people mail in ballots, there’s a lot of illegality. They sent in ballots, they harvest ballots.” “Mail-in ballots are a very dangerous thing.”
One study reviewed one billion ballots over a 14-year period and found a total of 31 questionable votes. Thirty-one out of one-billion votes cast.
But in a phone call earlier this spring to the Faux News morning propaganda program Fox & Friends, Trump had a slip-of-the-tongue. He told the truth for a change. He was discussing the Democrats’ version of legislation providing financial help for Americans thrown out of work by the Communist Chinese Covid-19 pandemic:
“They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
Let’s listen again to that rare bit of Presidential truthfulness about voting-by-mail: “…if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

Trump WANTS Break-downs
Trump is terrified of a landslide defeat if Democrats have an easier time voting in November by using mail-in ballots. Trump is putting his infamous and notorious Twitter feeds to work intimidating and frightening Republican county clerks and secretaries of state. He wants them to do whatever it takes to screw-up voting by mail. Trump wants them to have break-downs in their voting systems to ensure mailed-in ballots are somehow not counted or lost.

Some Republican state and local officials are okay with this. They’re willing to help Trump win by cheating people out of their basic American right as citizens. They expect to take heat over their deliberate incompetence in mis-handling the votes in the November election.
On the day of Georgia’s recent voting debacle, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow interviewed Marc Elias, a Democratic National Committee attorney who specializes in going to court to challenge voter suppression:
“There are tons of things that could be done to make this situation better. The trouble is, you have Donald Trump in the White House telling Republicans at every level not to do those things. So, it’s very difficult to get a smooth election administration when you have Republicans in positions of power being told by the President of the United States ‘don’t let there be smooth election administration.’”
“The Postal Service is a joke,” Trump said. “Because they’re handing out packages for Amazon and other Internet companies, and every time they bring a package, they lose money on it.”
One of the other reasons Trump hates the Post Office is because it delivers packages for Amazon, the mammoth online retailer. Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world. He also owns the Washington Post newspaper. That’s the real source of Trump’s hatred.

Consider some recent Washington Post headlines about Donald Trump. It’s easy to see there’s no love lost.
One way to get at Jeff Bezos for the hard-nosed Post coverage of the Trump Presidency is to make him pay a lot more at the Post Office to do his Amazon business.
Post Office employees are unionized which is another point of hate for Trump. Through TV ads and posters, the postal workers’ union is doing what it can to fight Trump and his billionaire buddies. They want to privatize the postal service and put the billions we spend on postal services in their own pockets.

One of them is Trump’s newly appointed postmaster general, a fat cat Trump contributor named Louis DeJoy. This guy has sucked tens of millions of dollars out of the postal service as a private logistics contractor. He’s expected to push automation to eliminate unionized postal employee jobs.
The Foreign Press
In the meantime, watch for major vote-counting problems with vote-by-mail coming to a county near you.
The foreign press has noticed. The Guardian of London told its readers Trump is urging Republicans to fight hard against vote-by-mail.
Spiegel, the German news magazine calls it Trump’s next attack on democracy.
The Jerusalem Post says voter suppression is at the heart of Trump’s re-election strategy.
Domestically, Frank Rich, writing in New York magazine put it as Trump has a way to win without getting the most votes:
“…there is another way to win that doesn’t require getting the most votes —and it’s the same way that the forces of white supremacy have always won. You suppress black votes. If you can do that, you don’t have to care what CNN pollsters say.”
Trump and his party will use any means they can to abridge the right to vote…”
Trump is in trouble in the polls, so he and the Republican Party will blatantly cheat in November.
They will pretend to be puzzled that so many votes from black and poor communities were lost.
The New York Times reports the Trump campaign and Republican Party intend to hire 50 thousand “poll watchers” to look for never-proven voting fraud, and maybe, intimidate a few people into not voting at all.
If that fails, they’ll go to court the day after the election and lie about voter fraud.
It looks like we’re in for some ugly weather in early November.

Donald Trump on vote-by-mail as a national standard:
“If you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
You can do something about the cheaters trying to shut down the Post Office.
Call or send an email to your state’s two U.S. Senators and your district’s U.S. Representative.
To find them go online to govtrack, Members of Congress. Enter your street address and you will be shown who represents you. Look them up online and send them an email urging them to keep the U.S. Postal Service in business. Remind them you vote.
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