The Issues
Throughout our history, there are two issues that always motivate voters in the United States.
One is the bread-and-butter jobs issue. The other is safety and security.
One safety/security issue Republicans are wisely pushing is our over-dependence for our very health on Communist China. Overwhelmingly, our life-sustaining meds are made in the so-called Middle Kingdom.

The Democrats are rightly regarded as weak on China. Many of them yell racism at any criticism of China. The Communist Chinese regime is one of the most repressive and racist governments on the planet. That doesn’t trouble the politically correct Left.

Democrats have consistently failed to address the Communist China security threat. But the coronavirus and its devastation will change that.
Discrimination against Chinese-Americans is an outrageous but separate issue from China’s goal of world domination. The two should not be conjoined.
In a minute I’m going to talk about seven things the Democrats should do to show leadership regarding imperial Communist China.
Democrats must start by recognizing two facts:
First, we have a criminal psychopath in the White House because millions of Americans were fed up with Washington partisan politics as usual.
What Democrats have been doing in recent years is why they are not in the White House.
The Second Issue
Second, Democrats must get it through their heads that Communist China is, at best, a fierce, dishonest competitor willing to cheat to win at all costs.
At worst, Xi Jinping and his regime intend to rule the world. They intend to make every nation, including the U.S., part of the Chinese empire. Xi and the other Chinese leaders are open about their goal of ruling the world. We’ve hidden from the truth.

In business terms, imperial China is intent on a hostile takeover. China is our current and future enemy. It’s a struggle that may never involve bombs and bullets. But thanks to globalization, they may succeed at controlling our nation’s wealth. That means an empire for them and colonization of us.
It’s a Matter of Our Health
Number One—Democrats, or for that matter, forward-thinking Republicans, should campaign hard to eliminate China as a primary source of our pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.

We need to do what it takes to rebuild and support domestic production. The pills and products that keep us healthy need to be made in the USA. Screw the globalists and their feverish wet dreams of plundering billions of dollars from China through trade.
Here’s an unpleasant truth: the U.S. no longer has an industrial base to make the medicines we take. It’s all imported, mostly from Communist China. Some of our meds come from India, but they buy the chemicals for med manufacturing—from imperial China.
We depend on China for a whopping 97% of our antibiotics, 90% of our Vitamin-C supplements and 95% of our ibuprofen, commonly known by the brand names Advil and Motrin.
Depending on the medication, well over three-quarters of our prescribed antibiotics, heart drugs, diabetes drugs and anti-depressants come from China. China has threatened our drug supply as part of the war of words over the coronavirus pandemic.

Rosemary Gibson is the author of China RX, a book sounding the alarm about our total dependence on China for our health:
“For essential medicines to treat coronavirus patients: sedatives, pressers to raise their blood pressure, antibiotics: 90-percent of those core chemicals are sourced in China.
There’s talk that we should let the free market fix this. The reality is, that there is no free market. Generic manufacturing has collapsed in the United States. There are only two Western companies left that are making generic drugs. And they announced last year that they are dropping half their products because they can no longer make them.”
Democrats should say loud and clear that domestic drug production is a national security priority. It should have the same level of importance as military weapons.
This can only happen with a combination of federal carrots and sticks. Democrats should propose new laws and tax incentives that make it lucrative for business to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing and base chemical production back to the USA.
Nobody said bold ideas are easy.
At the same time, Democrats should promise to rebuild alliances and supply chains with reliable nations, countries which won’t hold us for ransom for the medications that sustain our health. The Democrats should promise to make it in the interest of friendly nations to help us. For survival, we must eliminate Communist China’s grip on the production of the meds we rely upon for staying alive.
Keep Communist China at Arm’s Length
Number Two—Democratic Senators, Representatives and party office-seekers should do whatever it takes to put distance between them and Chinese business deals. We’re talking about the kind of distance that would stand up to opposition research by Republicans, or hard-nosed investigative reporters.
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, was involved for a time with a Chinse private equity investment firm. There’s no indication he profited from the deal and Trump’s supporters haven’t shown any evidence to the contrary. But Hunter Biden needs to be fully transparent about any China deals where he was a participant. He can make it a non-issue by removing himself from any China-related business.
Arizona Senate candidate Mark Kelly is an ex-Navy pilot and a former pilot of several space shuttle missions. He should have an easy time in November defeating incumbent Trump suck-up, Martha McSally.
But Kelly has been challenged about business deals he’s had with TenCent Holdings, a huge Chinese tech company. TenCent has invested in a near-space tourism company Kelly co-founded.
There’s nothing to indicate Kelly has done anything wrong, but the Chinese business connection amounts to ammunition the Republicans can use against him. They’re doing it in commercials now.
Divestment of all China deals is essential politics in 2020.
Rebuild the U.S. Navy
Number Three—one way to create blue collar jobs in our devastated economy is for Democrats to advocate re-vitalizing the U.S. military ship-building industry. It’s a pale shadow of what it once was. Democrats need to get over their fainting spells regarding defense spending. They should quit taking campaign contributions from defense contractors if they’re really serious about it.
But one inconvenient truth is, our Navy has been allowed to decay, over years, through successive administrations and Congresses.

The Navy doesn’t have enough serviceable ships to carry out missions. Ship crews are chronically exhausted from over-deployment. We don’t have enough sailors.
It will take time and money to re-build our shipyards. It will take time and money to train skilled welders and electricians to manufacture the ships.
Democrats need to view this as a deep source of jobs, good-paying jobs. They should pitch that as part of a campaign to rebuild our strength at sea.
Number Four—Step up the domestic production of critical parts for defense. Some progress has been made on this issue, but a lot more needs to be done. This, too, is a jobs-creator. This is another category that demands a carrot-and-sticks strategy in Washington. Congress and the White House have been letting private-sector businesses make obscene profits under the tax code for years. Why not put the loopholes to work for America’s national security?
Protect the Nation’s Telecom Grid
Number Five—The U.S. communications grid is under relentless attack by Communist China. Telecommunications is a national security issue all its own, and one of the biggest.
Consider the views of a Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia. He’s vice-chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He gets the classified briefings:
“I believe that President Xi, starting with his major consolidation of power in 2015 and 2016, reasserted the Communist Party’s dominance in China, across all fields of business, society, the military and he is now using that consolidated power to bring about both state and civil society, to actually propose a role and view of China that would dominate the world. And that domination would lead to a diminishment of U.S. power and influence.”
Senator Warner says there’s nothing inherently Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, about a national cyber security strategy.
Democrats have been largely united with Republicans going back to the Obama Administration in resistance to Chinese telecom giants like Huawei and ZTE, which are trying to infiltrate America’s communications grid. That kind of united United States resistance should continue.
Rebuilding Our Infrastructure will Create Jobs
Number Six—Launch a 10-year eco-friendly infrastructure rebuild mission. This is another big federal government project like the ones in Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.
We already have over 47 thousand miles of highway in the U.S. Democrats should put federal financial muscle behind the transportation infrastructure to support re-invented automobiles and light rail running on alternative fuels. The pandemic shutdown has provided a window of opportunity to re-invent our national transportation system.
Re-building our cities for mass transit is a losing proposition. We are not going to tear down and rebuild thousands of neighborhoods and business districts to accommodate mass transit. It’s the transit system that must be adapted. Democrats should seize the issue and remember this is another jobs resource. And don’t let imperialist China bid for any of it.
Spies on Campus
Number Seven—Democrats need to launch a wide-ranging and thorough investigation and review of Chinese access to taxpayer-funded U.S. university research.

So-called “students” Communist China has been stealing us blind for years through our universities. Higher Ed hides behind the mantra of “academic freedom” and the “free flow of ideas.” Yeah, sure. A clear-eyed investigation would show the ideas overwhelmingly flow freely one way—from the U.S. to China.
Beijing doesn’t send their Yo Yo Mas to the U.S. for a refined music education. They send “students” who are already highly-trained specialists in math, science, engineering, chemistry, bio-technology and the so-called “hard sciences.” They seek advanced U.S. degrees in subjects that can help imperialist China militarily.
The U.S. business press loves to write about the Chinese economic “miracle.” They went from illiterate peasants to PhD’s in an astonishingly short time. It’s no miracle. They have systematically stolen advanced U.S. research worth hundreds of billions of dollars through selected university “students” who pay full tuition. It’s the greatest sustained thievery caper in the history of the world. Imperial China has done this with the help of land-grant public U.S. universities. These greedy institutions of higher learning have used Chinese grad students as slave labor on highly advanced research projects and looked the other way as they worked unsupervised. Over the years some of those students, under orders from Beijing, have stolen research data by the yotta-byte. That’s a million trillion megabytes. Imperialist China has used the R&D we paid for to compete with us in the global economy.
Democrats can fight this without firing a shot, or threatening it. What it takes is a collective spine.

Joe Biden and the pooh-bahs of the Democratic Party have been saying they need some big ideas. If I may humbly suggest, I just listed seven of them. They’re easy to suggest but incredibly difficult to implement and turn in to action. But if the Democrats don’t act on some of these suggestions, they deserve to lose the White House—again.
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