The MAGA cult hates Kamala Harris for several reasons
If you encounter a minefield, one wrong step and you can be blown to pieces.
I’m about to step into a political and cultural minefield. I’m going to talk about Kamala Harris, her gender, her race, so-called Christians and the 2024 presidential election. Any one of those could be a highly explosive political/cultural land mine. But I’m going to keep stepping, beginning with a comment from Donald Trump:
“So, I don’t know. Is she Indian or is she Black?”
Trump: Hero of the woman-haters

Donald Trump’s racist insult to the bi-racial lineage of Kamala Harris is nothing new. Racism has been a key to Trump’s political success. Misogyny—hatred for women—has been another winner for the con man and convicted felon. Trump’s mostly-white, mostly male, sexually insecure, woman-hating cult loved his 2015 comment on CNN:
“You know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, uh, blood coming out of her wherever.”

Donald Trump’s contempt for women is lifelong. In a 1992 interview with New York magazine Trump said, “You have to treat women like shit.” That was 32 years ago. He hasn’t changed. That was evident from Trump on the infamous Access Hollywood tape:
Trump: “And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.
Host Billy Bush: “Whatever you want.”
Trump: “Grab them by the pussy.”
Trump’s caveman attitude is very appealing to rude, crude sexually insecure hetero men who are flops with the opposite sex.

Their notion of an ideal woman is the late Marilyn Monroe. She was a voluptuous symbol of insatiable sex in the 1950s and 60s.
Nowadays many MAGA men are in a rage that women are not eager to go to bed with them. For these social knuckle-draggers, women are conquests. They see women as sex objects who are only good for satisfying the sex urges of men.
These guys remember Hans and Franz. They were a pair of satirical body-builders in Saturday Night Live comedy sketches nearly 40 years ago. The Hans and Franz characters had contempt for so-called “wimpy girlie men.”

To this day, the Make America Great Again macho men worry someone might view them as wimpy girlie men.
Many men in Trump’s cult have no sex life and harbor envious, angry visions of what they don’t have. The current term for them is incel or involuntarily celibate. They’re angry. They’re angry at women.

They can’t stomach the idea that women might have power of any kind: sexual, cultural, economic or political. Trump deliberately fans the flames of their anger and nurtures the fantasy that they are an oppressed minority. As the election approaches, Trump is directing that frustration at Kamala Harris, a former sex crimes prosecutor who refuses to take the bait. “So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type,” Harris said to raucous applause.
Harris hated by Christian Nationalists
Kamala Harris is loathed and despised by a powerful Right-Wing voting bloc: so-called Christian Nationalists.
These alleged Bible believers hate Harris because she has and she exerts—power. Some of them use verses in the Bible to attack Harris. Consider this example from Dave Daubenmire, a former high school football coach in Ohio:
“I think it’s pretty clear that the Bible teaches us that women should not be in authority over a man.”
Ex-coach Daubenmire is referring to one line in the Bible from the 1st epistle of Timothy, second chapter, verse 12: “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
Misogyny in the Bible

The Bible has plenty of misogynistic contempt verses toward women. In the Bible God is always a “He.” God is described as a trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; an all-male deity; no women. Fundamentalists and religious conservatives take this to mean that in God’s view, women are not as important as men.
The late former Christian evangelist Charles Templeton wrote:
“The Bible is a book by and for men. The women in it are secondary creatures and usually inferior.”
Women are often depicted in the Bible as evil, seductive temptresses such as Delilah in the story of Samson and Delilah.
Another biblical temptress was Jezebel, a one-time queen of Israel who was murdered for having and using political clout.

Today’s power-hungry neo-fascists. who are mock Christians, have been referring to Kamala Harris as having what they call the Jezebel spirit.
One such voice is Lance Wallnau, a self-styled “prophet” and fierce Christian Nationalist. “She represents something, which I believe, is probably an amalgam of the spirit of Jezebel in a way that will be even more ominous than Hillary, because she’ll bring a racial component and she’s younger,” Wallnau said.
Mat Staver is another zealot of the same ilk. “Kamala Harris is somebody who is not competent to be president of the United States and has a very evil, wicked Jezebelian agenda. So don’t underestimate her Jezebel Spirit,” Staver said. Yet another Christian hater is Steve Swofford, the pastor of 1st Baptist Church of Rockwall, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. Swofford worries Joe Biden could pass away any day: “And what if something happens to him and Jezebel has to take over? Jezebel Harris.“
An excuse for rape
Confederate slave-owning White men used to refer to their Black women slaves as Jezebels.

They concocted a fantasy that Black women slaves had an insatiable desire for sex that their White owners needed to satisfy. It was a way to rationalize repeatedly raping female slaves.
So-called “Christian” Nationalists, many of them women-hating misogynists, frequently invoke the Jezebel image when referring to feminist women.
There’s even a word for hating Black women: misogynoir.
Religion writer Sarah Bessey says, “When a woman exhibits leadership, she’s accused of having that Jezebel spirit.”
“Kamala will not be your first female president. She will not be your first female president.” —Donald Trump
“We are not going back. We are not going back.” —Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has made impressive gains in the polls, which frightens Trump more than most people know. But it will still be a close election. With or without a Jezebel Spirit.
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