They ignore the biblical warning not to worship false gods.

When porn star Stormy Daniels told the tawdry tale of her one-night stand with Donald Trump in 2006, you might think his so-called Christian cult followers would have been repulsed and disgusted.

You’d be wrong.
In their perverted, heretical view of morality and virtue, Trump is not a fat, farting, habitually lying adulterer. He’s a hero of biblical proportions.

The Orange Jesus, as some cynical Republican politicians privately call Trump and his fake tan, is viewed by most so-called Christian Nationalists as a God-sent savior of global White Supremacy.
Finding heresy in the scriptures

So-called Christian nationalists read the words in the bible often, but they don’t understand what they are reading. They search for vague Old Testament stories they twist and distort to justify all manner of immorality.
For MAGA Christians, the tawdry tale of Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels is a modern-day version of the Old Testament tale of Samson and Delilah: Trump being Samson, of course, and Daniels being the temptress Delilah.

In the Old Testament, Samson was an Israeli hero of super-human strength. Legend says he killed a lion with his bare hands and killed an army of ten thousand using an animal’s jawbone as a weapon.

Samson was a legendary womanizer, kind of like Donald, only better at it.
The Philistines were the hated enemies of the Israelites, kind of like Joe Biden and the Democrats are hated by today’s self-styled “Christian” Nationalist religious phonies.

The bible story says the Philistines paid Delilah a lot of money to seduce Samson and find out the secret of his Herculean strength.
The stories aren’t an exact match.

This is where the stories of the two women diverge.

No one paid Stormy Daniels to have sex with Donald Trump.

The only money involved came through a tawdry, trashy move by Trump, who paid Stormy Daniels 130-thousand dollars, through attorney Michael Cohen. She was paid to keep quiet about his adultery as his wife Melania was recovering from the birth of their son, Barron.

Trump has repeatedly denied having sex with Stormy Daniels, but Senator Mitt Romney, a prominent figure in the Mormon Church summed up the rebuttal to Trump’s denial succinctly: “So far as I know, you don’t pay someone 130-thouands dollars not to have sex with you.”

In the biblical tale, after a romp between the sheets and as he was falling asleep, Samson told Delilah the secret to his strength was his long hair, which she promptly cut.

Daniels didn’t cut Donald’s hair, but in a conversation during their one-night stand that can only be described as bizarre, Daniels asked Trump about his weird pompadour hairdo. She says Trump told her he was superstitious that his buffoon haircut was the source of his own strength in business and politics, just like Samson in the bible, and so he keeps it.

According to the Samson and Delilah legend, the Philistines put Samson’s eyes out and made him a slave.
When his hair grew out, Samson’s strength returned. He was put on display to be mocked, but Samson grabbed the support pillars of a pagan temple and brought it down on himself and many Philistines.

Trump is destructive, just like Samson

Trump’s eyes have not been put out, but he runs his mouth non-stop. He’s doing a Herculean or Samson-like job of destroying the political temple that used to be the Republican Party.

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