Fascism with a halo
The futile fight for White Supremacy, for Caucasian rule, is not limited to the United States. It’s also a struggle in Europe and wherever whites have been the dominant race.
But it’s about more than skin color. It’s a race-based cultural battle, too.
(Crowd chant from an August, 2017 white supremacy march in Charlottesville, Virginia) “Jews will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!”
In a very real sense, the forces of Neo-Nazi Fascism and White Supremacy are on a global crusade, marching under the banner of phony, blasphemous Christianity, to develop what amounts to the Fourth Reich. More on that later. Supreme headquarters may be in Hungary, not the United States. More on that later, as well.
White Supremacy is Global

A world map with the insignias of neo-Nazi and hyper-nationalist movements in various countries, shows this is much bigger than a few old fat racist white guys in the United States strutting around with assault rifles.
For most of these neo-crusaders the enemy is anyone who advocates democracy or advocates equality for those who aren’t white, hetero, phony-religious hypocritical males.
In countries like Syria or Turkey, the fascist crusade isn’t about preserving whiteness. It’s about anti-immigration ultra-nationalism. In most countries, the fascist movements are primarily about preserving national ethnic purity, through violence if necessary.
Motivated by Fear

White Supremacists are motivated by fear of the loss of power and domination. They are terrified by the increasing political clout of non-whites. They know the white population of the world is declining and the population of Planet Earth is becoming blacker and browner and not-Christian. Whites call it the Great Replacement.

Fox News propagandist Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin’s favorite Kremlin stooge in the American media, has been busy promoting the so-called Replacement Theory.
White Replacement Anxiety
This is a right-wing fantasy that there’s a conspiracy to “replace” or “erase” whites—and replace them with people of color. Many of Carlson’s gullible viewers think it’s true. Unfortunately, the world’s birth and death figures support the panic and fear of some whites.
Black Africans will outnumber European Whites 6 to 1

Compare mostly-white Europe to mostly-black Africa. The future population contrast between the two continents is stunning. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.
Paul Morland is a British demographer and population expert, who was interviewed by conservative commentator Mark Stine:
“…by the end of this century there are going to be six or seven sub-Saharan Africans for every European. And I think that is going to change the world.”

Change the world, indeed. Morland is saying the descendants of blacks enslaved by whites are going to vastly outnumber Caucasians. It’s enough to cause millions of white racists to panic.
From 1492 to the early 20th century, Europeans ruled the world. The fascists want it back. This fight, especially in the United States, is rooted in racism.
Jane Elliott is a nationally known educator on the issue of race. She says America is getting more racist: “… because of the fear of white people, that, when people of color get power, they’re going to want to treat us the way we have treated them. That is the major problem in the United States right now, is white fear of retribution.”
For those who scoff at my contention that we are facing a global crusade for fascism, note the President of the United States doesn’t use those words but says much the same thing:
Biden: “We’re living through a global struggle between autocracies and democracies.”
Since I said we are in the midst of a phony-Christian fascist crusade to build the Fourth Reich, let’s define terms.

The Crusades were a series of eight religious wars which lasted several centuries. They were started by Christians who wanted to take control of the so-called Holy Land from Muslims. Victory went back and forth until the Muslims prevailed in the end. But the Christian notion of going to war for God was established.
The German word Reich means realm, empire or kingdom. Adolf Hitler used the Third Reich to describe the evil empire he wanted to impose on the entire world.

Hitler, admired and imitated by today’s autocrats, likened his power-grab to a mission from God. And like today’s autocrats such as Russia’s Putin, America’s Trump, Bolsonaro in Brazil and Orban in Hungary, Hitler was rarely seen in a church.
Blasphemous, anti-democratic Fascists
But that doesn’t stop phony, blasphemous, anti-democratic fascists who call themselves Christians, from supporting and electing tyrants who thump the bible.

There is a lot of similarity between political fascism and fundamentalist religion of any creed. Bomb-planting Muslim jihadists and Christian mass shooters are pretty much alike. They all crave rigid rules and order. They crave a higher power, who tells them what to do, what to wear, what to think and what to believe. Many of them are enemies of democracy. They wrap their immorality in religion.
Is Victor Orban the next Hitler?
One who is gaining global admiration and power is Victor Orban, the dictator of Hungary, whose Fidesz Party seems to be the political power goal of fascists everywhere.
The Kremlin’s American mouthpiece, Tucker Carlson, took his show to Budapest to show proper adoration of Orban. So did the Republican Party’s CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, where Orban, a blatant immigration hater, was the featured speaker.
It all comes down to millions of whites who cling to their belief in white supremacy and are looking for another Adolf Hitler. Many hope and pray Orban will be the Hitler of this generation.
Carl Paladino is a congressional candidate in New York who admires Hitler and thinks we need a Hitler in America.
Paladino: “He’d get up there screaming these epithets and and these people were just, they, they were hypnotized by him. That’s the, I guess, I guess that’s the kind of leader we need today.”
Kenneth Copeland is a jet-setting so-called Christian televangelist. Copeland: “The Associated Press said that Joe Biden is President. Ha ha ha ha ha has (slaps leg) ha ha ha ha ha.”
Greg Locke, is a so-called Christian pastor in Tennessee:
Locke: “Obama’s behind all of it…you cannot be a Democrat and a Christian! You cannot! Somebody say Amen! (Amens) Get out! Get out! Get out in the name of Jesus!…They wanna talk about the insurrection. Hmm. Lemme tell you sumpin’. You ain’t seen an insurrection yet. (Cheers) “And the bible says we’ll take it by force! That’s what the bible says.”

Brainwashed members of the Donald Trump cult, many of them alleged Christians, wear paraphernalia that tells us their beliefs boil down to the criminal ex-president, guns and God.
Millions of Americans worship guns over God

Millions of idolatrous American Christians worship at the altar of the gun. They’re armed to the teeth with assault weapons because they want to mow down the hordes of black and brown people who they fear are going to invade the suburbs and rural America to rape and pillage. Right-wing fascist politicians get it and encourage it.
Blake Masters is a Right-Wing Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Arizona.
Masters campaign ad: “This is a short-barreled rifle. It wasn’t designed for hunting. This is designed to kill people. But if you’re not a bad guy I support your right to own one. The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting. It’s about protecting your family and your country.”
Eric Greitens is the disgraced former governor of Missouri who is running for the U.S. Senate with an ad suggesting RINOs—Republicans in Name Only—traditional Republicans with morals and principles—should be hunted and killed. Greitens campaign ad: “I’m Eric Greitens, Navy SEAL. And today we’re going RINO hunting. The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice.
Join the MAGA crew, get a RINO-hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”
In an age of mass shootings inspired by such reckless rhetoric, Greitens has shown himself for what he is. But as President Biden said recently about the abortion issue.
President Joe Biden: “With your vote, you can act. You can have the final word. This is not over.” Ultimately, the fight to preserve racial supremacy is a fight against history—against the march of time. I think we know how THAT is going to turn out.
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