Trump could be controlled by a “shadow” Presidency cabal
A poll released by the Associated Press wire service tells us about six out of ten American adults doubt President Joe Biden and ex-President Donald Trump have the mental capacity to be the leader of the United States.
Six out of ten potential voters is a significant amount. It should shake all of us into action BEFORE the November election.

We—the people, need to DEMAND NOW authoritative tests to answer, clearly, definitively—and publicly—whether Donald Trump and/or Joe Biden are becoming senile and unfit for the Presidency. It’s not hyperbole or exaggeration to say the future of our nation is at stake.
“I proved I was all there because I aced it.”— Trump on the phone to Fox News.
“My memory’s fine.”— President Joe Biden’s response to the Special Counsel report criticizing his recollection.
President Joe Biden and ex-President Donald Trump will face off again in the 2024 presidential election. Both claim their mental faculties are okay and up to the challenge of leading the Western World.
Cause for concern, cause for worry

But there’s evidence from both candidates to make us question whether that’s true. And we owe it to our country and ourselves to demand answers.
The media herd obsesses over Biden’s gaffes, but they brush off Trump’s signs of dementia as nothing more than Trump being Trump. They call it “word salad.” It’s a biased media blunder of historic proportions.
Trump has repeatedly tried to make the mental competence of President Biden a campaign issue. And he brags that he “aced” a dementia exam: “I took it and I aced it. I think it was 35, 30 questions (applause). And let me tell ya, you know, they always show you the first one, like a giraffe, a tiger, a this or that, a whale, (laughing) which one is the whale?
There’s just one problem. There’s no whale on the test. Canadian neurologist Dr. Ziad Nassredine invented the Montreal Cognitive Assessment dementia test. He says there’s never been a whale on the test that Trump keeps claiming he “aced.”
Signs Trump is sinking into dementia
Let’s revisit a few of the many incidents which may be signs that Trump is sinking into dementia:
Trump—“We have to win in November or we’re not going to have Pennsylvania! They’ll change the name. They’re gonna change the name of Pennsylvania.”
No one has suggested changing the name of Pennsylvania. Except Donald Trump.
Consider the recent episode when Trump confused presidential campaign rival Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the Capitol insurrection:
“You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley—you know, did you know they destroyed all the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted or destroyed all of it, all of it: because of, lots of things. Like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10 thousand people. Soldiers. National Guar…whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that.”
Then there was the recent rally where Trump claimed he ran for President against Barack Obama. Trump—“I’ll tell you what. You take a look at Obama and you take a look at some of the things he’s done. This is the same thing. The country was very divided. And we did with Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won.”
Trump never ran against Obama. Never.

Trump confused President Obama with President Biden in another speech two months later, while telling a lie about Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban—who never said what Trump claimed he said:
“The head of Hungary, a very tough, strong guy-Victor Orban…They were interviewing him two weeks ago and they said, ‘What would you advise President Obama? The whole world seems to exploding and imploding’…He said, ‘It’s very simple. He should immediately resign and they should replace him with President Trump, who kept the world safe.’”
America’s real President, Joe Biden, has called Orban a totalitarian thug, but Orban knows Barack Obama is not the President of the United States.
On another occasion, Trump claimed Hungarian leader Orban is the leader of Turkey: “Y’know, I was very honored. There’s a man, Viktor Orban, did anyone ever hear of him? He’s probably, like, one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world. He, uh, he’s the leader of, right? He’s the leader of Turkey.
Hungary’s Orban has never been the leader of Turkey. Turkey and Hungary aren’t even near one another on a map.

Trump may be battling a symptom of dementia

Another sign of Trump’s advancing dementia is a condition called phonemic paraphasia—described as a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. Experts say it is not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to advanced stages of Alzheimer’s.
Here are a few examples of Trump’s phonemic paraphasia:
“In Venezuela, did you just see Maduro, Venezwhale, it’s, uh, unbelievable.”
“Even Argentina, they went MAGA. You know, Argentina. Great guy. He’s a big Trump guy. [:42] He loves Trump. I love him because he loves Trump.”
“We are a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will you-be-dup. Ahhh.”
Then there are Trump’s unhinged emotions which are likely associated with dementia.

On Christmas Day of 2023, Trump went into an online rage against the prosecutors of his pending criminal cases, writing, “May they rot in hell.” It was Donald Trump’s version of Merry Christmas.
The Alzheimer’s Association says anxiety, agitation, aggression and anger are signs of dementia. Yet, Trump insists:
“I’m cognitively there.”—Donald Trump in Fox News interview
Trump is practically begging that he be forced to take a truly independent, publicly disclosed dementia test, because he keeps taunting Biden to take one:
“Joe should take that test, because, something’s going on…I mean he can’t walk off a stage. He’s looking for the stairs. Where am I? Where am I? (Flailing gesture) Where am I? .”—Donald Trump in Fox News interview
An open secret in Washington
Trump’s signs of dementia and mental illness are nothing new. His mental decline has been pointed out time and again during his Presidency. Most of the media herd has gone out of its way to ignore the growing evidence Trump is becoming senile.

In 2017, over three dozen psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists and mental health experts formed an organization called Duty to Warn. They collaborated on a book entitled The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. The following comments were made while Trump was still in office:
“My name is Justin Frank, a psychoanalyst and a psychiatrist. I’ve been in practice in D. C. for about forty years. Is Donald Trump fit to serve as the President and Commander in Chief? I can answer that with one word. No.”
“My name is John Gartner. I’m a psychologist. I taught in the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University for 28 years. I’ve written some books. And I’m the founder of Duty to Warn, an organization of mental health professionals who believe that Donald Trump should be removed because he’s psychologically unfit.”
We’ve been warned
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump should have been front-page, top-of-the-fold, edge-to-edge banner headlines when it was published. It wasn’t. The media have mostly ignored it.
Trump apologists like to hide behind the so-called Goldwater Rule of the American Psychiatric Association, adopted and named after the late Sen. Barry Goldwater who was proclaimed crazy when he ran for President in 1964.
The Goldwater rule says mental health experts shouldn’t diagnose public figures they haven’t examined in person. Gartner has an answer to that:
“I’ve observed more of Donald Trump’s behavior than all of my psychotherapy patients put together. So, when I meet them in my office for an hour a week, I know what they tell me about their life. In Donald Trump’s case I’m observing his behavior directly.”
America’s fearful press corps is scared witless to report and explore what mental health experts say about Trump. Like so many things, it’s about money. Trump’s dictator buffoonery generates revenue for the news business. Forget all the BS about the hostility between Trump and the media. Trump craves media coverage. Reporters and editors love Trump, LOVE HIM, because he “makes great copy” as they say. The media know Trump is good “click bait.”
And they are desperate, DESPERATE for viewers and readers because the news business is in deep financial trouble. Trump is a financial lifeline.
Yet, the tabloid press has gone where the mainstream press doesn’t have the guts to go.
The Globe had a cover story with the headline, “Trump, 77 Battling Dementia!” The National Enquirer, deeply in bed with Trump and his propaganda machine, has run multiple items claiming to expose President Biden’s dementia.
Trump’s daddy issues

Trump grew up as an unloved child, desperate for the affection of a cruel, hateful father who told him if you don’t win, you lose and there’s nothing worse than a loser. Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, died from medical complications related to—Alzheimer’s dementia.
If Donald Trump’s mental illnesses—plural—are not exposed and dealt with, he may become President of the United States in name only.
Think about it. We may have a shadow Presidency, not elected by the people, but secretly manipulating a demented President for evil motives.

In 1775 an American patriot got on his horse and made a midnight ride to warn other Americans that danger was on the way. All of us need to be Paul Reveres in 2024.

If we, the people, don’t demand full disclosure about Donald Trump’s advancing dementia, our country is liable to be in deep covfefe.
“And God bless the United Schtates.”—Donald Trump
Trump and Biden may be offended and humiliated by taking an independent dementia test and releasing it publicly. They’ve brought this on themselves, especially Trump. The so-called journalists in the American media need find a spine and cover one of the biggest stories of American history. Whether our candidates for President are senile qualifies as a big story.
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