I’m going to hazard a guess some of you are sick of hearing about impeachment.
Imagine that.
Unfortunately, freedom comes with some aggravations. This is one of them. But the impeachment farce is necessary for two reasons:
First, our very form of government is under relentless attack by an unstable, megalomaniac dictator-wannabe and through fake news created by his Russian, um, associates. He hates the rule of law, he thinks he’s accountable to no one and he has no loyalty to anyone or anything but himself. He’s aided and abetted by a sizeable dim-witted cult following.
Second, we need to uncover, document and expose to the greatest extent possible, this assault on our democracy and republic. If nothing else, future generations need to know the ugly details of the time we came dangerously close to imitating pre-war Nazi Germany.

“The Yeas are 229, the Nays are 198, Present is one, Article Two is adopted.”
After the House of Representatives voted two Articles of Impeachment against the disgrace living in the White House, attention shifted to the U.S. Senate where the impeachment trial will take place.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell immediately signaled his intention to violate his oath of office. He publicly said he would coordinate the kangaroo court show trial with the White House to declare the President innocent. It’s obvious the sham verdict is intended to be a campaign talking point.
McConnell and the Traitor-in-Chief are reportedly tussling behind the scenes over how the trial should proceed.
McConnell wants a quick and quiet and rigged sham trial.
The egomaniac in the Oval Office wants a TV extravaganza with witnesses. His years as the host of The Apprentice fake-reality TV show is his only life-success. He’s been a well-documented failure at business. It’s understandable that he wants to relive the glory of his TV-show years.

Would he testify in his own behalf? Of course! It would be carried live around the world. And he would get to play his favorite role: victim:
“We did nothing wrong. Nothing whatsoever.”

If the President’s apologists are right that he wants a big trial, I think we should let him have his way…but ONLY if he agrees to a REAL trial, like the ones that occur in U.S. courtrooms every day. You know, the ones that are at least nominally about truth, justice and the rule of law.
There’s already a judge and a jury. The judge is Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. The jury is made of the 100 prostitutes we call senators.
The disagreement over the impeachment trial rules is political nonsense. They should use the rules that are well-established for trials in federal courts. That includes calling witnesses and admitting documents in to evidence.
The claim of executive privilege is just so much crap as we continue our journey toward becoming a monarchy.
In federal cases, grand jury indictments are often revised after the initial charges are made. They call them superceding indictments. In this case, there should be superceding Articles of Impeachment.

They should include Treason. The basis for that charge would be the Traitor-in-Chief’s suspicious and repeated kowtowing to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
There has been endless speculation about what Putin has on our nation’s leader.
While former FBI chief Robert Mueller turned weasel in his report on the President’s 2016 campaign collusion with Russia, his investigation left plenty of clues about collusion that need full investigation. For instance, page 74 of the Mueller Report raises interesting questions about the so-called Moscow Project, a mega-millions real-estate development deal that didn’t come to fruition. It appeared to be between the failed New York business whiz in the White House and Aras Agalarov, a Russian real-estate wheeler dealer who is in Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.
A good place to begin would be a trial subpoena for the President’s tax returns. Why? Because they would be a starting point for investigating whether the leader of the self-proclaimed Law and Order party has been laundering money through his properties for Russian oligarchs and high-level criminals.
The international news agency Reuters has done a good job of investigating his shady financial and property deals with the Russian gangsters associated with Vladimir Putin. They showed money-laundering for Russians by the President of the United States is an issue that needs a deep and thorough investigation.
A real trial would expose a lot of the tangled web of this story. Here’s one example: an intelligence investigation company called Fusion GPS, while working for the Democrats, hired an ex-British spy named Christopher Steele, who dug up key portions of the Moscow dirt.
But it turns out Steele has had a “good friendship” for a number of years with Ivanka Trump, the President’s daughter.
Where could this lead? Who knows? But we need to know. The swamp of the President’s alleged treason and criminality is wide, rancid and treacherous.
That doesn’t bother the Kool-Aid drinkers of his cult.

Former Energy Secretary Rick Perry recalled a conversation he had recently with the President about how he is definitely chosen by God to lead the United States of America:
“I shared with him and I said ‘Mr. President I know there are people who say you said you were the Chosen One.’ And I said, ‘You were.’”
Funny, but a dozen of the Chosen One’s former aides are now convicted criminals.
Perry’s groveling comment is the kind of obsequious, boot-licking crap our nation is up against. For members of The Base, obsequious means obedient to an excessive degree.
According to fact checkers, as of early December, the Liar-in-Chief had told over 15 thousand provable lies or false claims since taking office.
Should he be impeached, tried and removed from Office? A letter last May signed by over one thousand bi-partisan former federal prosecutors said if he were not the President, he would be criminally indicted for obstruction of justice.
In early December 350 mental health professionals signed an open letter to Congress warning the President’s mental health is deteriorating dangerously during the impeachment process.
Also, a few days before the impeachment vote, over 700 historians, legal professors and scholars and others released a letter urging Congress to impeach the President.
If the Disgrace in the White House keeps insisting he is innocent and has done nothing wrong, he and his Kool-Aid drinking followers should welcome a full-blown trial.
They should welcome the chance to bring in witnesses and documents, under the established rules for federal trials.
If he can show this is all fake and trumped-up, if you’ll pardon the pun, he should be eager to prove it in a trial. Don’t hold your breath. Meantime, regardless of what the Democrats and Republicans are doing, if you’re a Centrist, call or email your Senators—each state has two—and demand they grow a backbone and a conscious and uphold their oath of office. It won’t take much time and you’ll feel a little better.
What are you smoking idiot? If you believe that drivel really your only place to live should be a lunatic asylum!
Thanks for the clever comment. It shows the rest of us what we are up against.
For 8 years Democraps ruined the economy. Drove people homeless. Allowed illegals to run havoc, turned California to 3rd world mess. Where were people like you hiding then? Now the economy is booming, unemployment is at lowest after a long time, but no – your f**ked up “liberal” brain finds engaging at personal vendetta more important than issues that people really care about. Any wonder people dislike jackass morons that you liberals really are? Listen, libturd brains like yours have long ago short circuited and your ilk are no longer aware of the ground realities. Come november 2020 – rats like you will find no place to hide.
If you know anything about tracking the economy you know the Flim Flam man in the White House is riding on the economic turnaround Obama engineered to save us from the economic disaster of the the previous Republican President.
The economy is only doing well in the parallel universe of “alternative facts.” The Manufacturing Index fell in to recession territory in November. It’s an ominous sign for 2020. It measures whether industrial plants intend to expand or retract. Another indicator, the Job Quality Index, shows over 63% of all recently created jobs are low-wage positions.
The economy is “booming” for the 1%, which was the predicted outcome of the tax cut. But I wouldn’t expect someone who obviously gets his “news” from the Right Wing propaganda machine to be aware of such things.
Your foul language tells us a lot about you. I’d suggest you take a couple of aspirin and wash them down with a generous gulp of grape cult Kool-Aid. You will probably prefer the President’s special blend for under-informed Right Wingers.